Thursday, September 6, 2012

G'day mate!

Ok, so having just read my previous post I realize how different my new life goals for the next couple of years are!

I talked about applying to work and subsequently moving to London and after a year or so there I'd maybe think about working in Australia for a year.
Ever the fickle creature, my new plan is to go to Oz just before summer 2013. The London thing is still definitely going to happen no question, but now I want to do Australia first. There are two reasons for this: 1) Some of my friends are doing it too and are thinking along the same timeline as me, so there will be people I know there at the same time as me making it somewhat less daunting blah, blah... 2) I feel like if I were to live in London, I'd get settled and love it too much and never end up seeing Australia properly. At least with Oz out of my system, I'm free to enjoy London as long as she'll have me!

I have begun compiling some of the documents (there is a sh**load!) I need to apply for an Australian working holiday visa. I have to get my degree accredited, there are all sorts of medical boards to apply to and personal and professional references to accrue and send to them before I even apply for the actual visa. Like oh my actual GOD!

Anyway, anyway, anyway...Once I'm there, I can travel around working locum jobs. Apparently this is  relatively straightforward, or so I've heard from friends/friends of friends who've done it as radiographers are classified as a 'Skill Australia Needs'. Score!
The great thing about Oz is (besides the weather, the standard of living, the shrimps on the barbie...) is that it's a base from which to travel to Asia. Which, let's be honest, would be AMAZING.
Ok, well that's the plan for now anyway. Till next post anyway. Ciao!

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