Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Mantras Mayall-style

I was wasting my life on the internet as usual earlier today and came across a video of Rik Mayall being awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of Exeter in 2008 and his subsequent speech (that's a complete lie actually, I googled it with intent). Of course Rik was taking the piss as usual, saying how bizarre it is that he only attained one 11-plus and 3 o-levels and now he's getting a doctorate....
The University of Exeter has given this award in previous years to  Brian May, Jennifer Saunders and Adrian Edmondson and others that I care less about. From the few speeches I've seen, the honorary graduates (celebs) give some advice for the future to the proper graduating students of that year. For example, Ade Edmondson (love him) said at the end "don't let the bastards bring ya down!" and Jennifer Saunders (love her) said to "leave with an open mind and go on to enjoy your life because it slips by very quickly".
What Rik said was quite cool too. He spoke about the 5 mantras which have helped him in life:
  1. All men are created equal. Therefore nobody is genuinely superior to you.
  2. It's your future to create. Your future is as bright as you make it.
  3. If you want to live a full and complete life, you have to be free. Freedom is paramount.
  4. Change is a constant in live. So don't ever lose your wisdom.
  5. Love is key (something like that).

    Now, if I was the kind of person who used mantras in life, these would rank fairly towards the top. I bow to you wise Rrrrik!

    Link if you're interested:

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