Saturday, September 17, 2011


"We have Left the Hotel! We are gonna have a Jedward Day Out!"
- John & Edward.

Today in pictures

I think you'll find quite a strong narrative here.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Going to write again soon. One day. One day soon. Maybe even tomorrow. Or one of the other days....

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Roadtrip to Cork......(in pictures)

Blue Moon. Best beer ever.

Mandatory ice-cream pitstop
Birthday cakes!
Green diesel



New everything...

My life is completely different to how it was a week ago. I started a new job in a new city and moved into a new house all in the space of about 3 days. That's a lot of new for a person who isn't all that comfortable with new. The house is nice, in a nice quiet area near all modes of public transport. Close enough to the city centre and just a short commute to work. I've met one of my two new housemates. He's a chef from Romania. Nice enough guy. The other girl is moving in next week.

I survived the first week of my new job (just) and am left with mixed feelings. There is a LOT more expected of me in this job than my last. I'm doing things I haven't done since college, and while this is only a good thing in terms of getting good experience, I feel clueless most of the time and it's stressing me out! On top of this, there's the whole first impressions thing- getting to know new colleagues and all that 'but do they like me?' crap.

I just need to remind myself that it'll get better. I'll get used to it. Everything will fall into place. Right?

Easier said than done, though.